Expressing Peace. Passwords. 27.

passwords peace

Passwords Peace?

Do passwords give us peace?

That’s their intention. To make us secure that no one can get into our bank account, our e-mail, our social media. And security is peace.

However, do you feel the same anxiety as I when two, three, four attempts to input the password fail? And I’m sure it’s the right password. And I’m typing slowly, carefully. How can it be wrong?

Peace pretty much flies out the window.

We can add to that the confusion that some places recommend we change our passwords every so often. Some places even require a change every 90 days or so. That brings in the threat to peace that my memory won’t hold fast to the new password.

Here’s some good news. All that is not true of all passwords. Here’s one that reminds me that everything I want to protect, is protected. This password invariably gives me a powerful sense of security. And it never, ever has to be changed.

Thank You, GOD.

I have long loved this quotation from Meister Eckhart, a mystic/philosopher of the 13th-14th centuries:

 If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

Do yourself a favor. Close your eyes. Without thinking of anything specific, say or think Thank You, GOD.

How did that feel? Do it again. Notice the feeling. My bet is it boosts your feel-good, your security, your peace. It’s a great password to our remembering the Peace with which we are blessed.

Power and Protector,
your Presence and our faith combine
as all the security we need.
We are safe, supported, and embraced
by the limitless arms of your Spirit.
We are never outside of your safekeeping
though at times we let ourselves think so.
We use reminders that our fear is false,
that fear has no reality,
that your Love is Total Truth.
Reminders are our passwords, our assurance
that you are always with us
and we are always with you.
Reminders that what we human-think
may be our illusion.
Reminders of our gratitude
and that our gratitude gives us more
for which to say
Thank you, God.
And so it is. Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.



Posted on September 9, 2014 at 9:49 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Inner Peace, Peace, Prayer, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: , , , , ,