Affirmantra 38. Peace.
I know Peace for ever.
Do you feel an increase in your peacefulness after noon on Wednesday? When you know you’ve finished half of the typical M-F workweek, are you more at ease feeling it’s “downhill from here”?
I know Peace for ever.
The joy and love and energy and strength that peace brings us do not have to wait for the second half of the week. Like peace, they are with us all the time. Two ways to make that true in your mind, in your heart.
- Allow yourself to know you are Peace. Use these affirmantras or other affirmations of your own to bring that belief home. The more you say it, the more you hear it. The more you hear it, the sooner you know it is true.
- Allow yourself to let go of the non-peace stress you feel early in the week–or any time, for that matter. If Peace is Truth and everywhere all the time, then we create those un-peace moments. We don’t have to.
I know Peace for ever.
Settle into this affirmantra. Allow each word to rest in your thoughts and feelings as you say it, slowly.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 37. Love.
I celebrate the Love that celebrates me.
The CAPTCHA phrase I had to input to open WordPress and write this blog: stw65Z.
I read it an acronym for “So, Tim Wright, 65 sleeps (zzzz).”
Yesterday was my 66th birthday. Joyful it was. And today’s affirmantra is Love-focused. And I cannot help recalling how much I loved and how much love I knew and felt and shared while I was 65. So, it’s OK if 65 is now asleep.
I celebrate the Love that celebrates me.
Every morning I finish prayer journaling by writing my Top 10 Thankful Tankful: the 10 things from yesterday and perhaps coming forth today for which I’m thankful. The day before my birthday, I wrote: I am thankful for the love-filled abundance of my 65th year.
I wrote this morning: I am already thankful for the love-filled life I’ll live at 66.
I celebrate the Love that celebrates me.
I am thankful to that it doesn’t take a birthday and lots of Happy Birthday wishes to let me know that love. And I am thankful that a birthday generates lots of Happy Birthday wishes that punctuate the love I know.
I celebrate the Love that celebrates me.
Please settle with plenty of time and quiet for today’s affirmantra. Let yourself breathe deeply, slowly and feel the love and the Love you take in. Exhale thoroughly, pushing the last bit of breath out with your stomach muscles. Feel that you are breathing your love and the Spirit Love you are to all the world.
See every day as your birthday.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 36. Joy.
Joy is mine to realize.
Being made from Joy, means you are Joy. Joy is not a part of you. Joy is not something your body or mind contains. Joy is you. You are joy. I find it helpful to realize the Joy I am by the powers and abilities it allows me to realize. I know Joy is power. I know Joy is freedom. I know Joy is peace. I know Joy is energy. And the list goes on and on. And yes, each sentence could be rotated: freedom is Joy; peace is Joy…..
Joy is mine to realize.
Spirit is Joy. It is the base, the origin, the true Joy from which all joy flows and grows. Honestly, though, you live human life every minute of every day. Whether it should or not, that human life comes first quite a bit of the time. All your day-to-day living means to you and for you gets the (vast?) majority of your attention. That’s true of joy. If you and I are alike, you look for physical, “this existence” examples of joy. We seek human examples of joy. Aren’t we fortunate there are so many around?
Joy is mine to realize.
The Joy we are, the blessing of Spirit that creates you and me, is ours to realize. I mean to realize in the things we do, the actions we enjoy, the situations we appreciate, the laughter we share, the love we feel. All the examples of joy in our life are Joy we have realized. Each of us allows our Self to express and receive the Joy we are.
Joy is mine to realize.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 35. Strength.
My strength starts in my heart.
Spirit is the source and the supply of every strength you possess. Physical strength, mental strength, and emotional strength all come to you from Spirit. Your strength reacting with patience to daily upsets originates with Spirit. Your strength forgiving an inconsiderate driver or a discourteous worker originates with Spirit.
My strength starts in my heart.
The heart of your being is much more than your heart organ. Your strength begins in your heart, which is your connection with Spirit. Truly, the strength that you apply in your human existence flows through the heart of your spiritual being. Your consciousness of Oneness with Spirit recognizes, receives, and appreciates the strength.
My strength starts in my heart.
From your being’s heart, which knows the spiritual strength you have, you know your strength and the power it provides. Your mind assumes the strength to solve problems, to analyze situations, to produce results. Your body receives direction from your mind and carries out the actions, applying the strength required.
With several slow, deep breaths, recognize instances of your strength: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Allow these to pass through your mind. Then turn your attention to your heart, perhaps with one hand on your chest. With conviction, repeat this day’s affirmantra. Know your strength.
Love and blessings,