Affirmantra 47. Love.
I celebrate my Love.
You can celebrate the Love received from Spirit by reflecting. As you settle quietly, comfortably with this Affirmantra©, center on your heart space. Allow thoughts, ideas, reminders, distractions to float through your mind. Exert no energy to stop them. Exert no energy to engage them. Reflect on the Love fueling your heart.
I celebrate my Love.
You can celebrate the Love received from Spirit by sharing. You are a beacon that receives the power of Love that you may cast it back to the world. As you hear your voice repeating the Affirmantra©, see the Love you can share flowing from you. You may target with whom you share Love, or you may share it with the Universe at large, knowing it is received as others’ celebration.
I celebrate my Love.
You can celebrate the Love received from Spirit by expanding. The flow of Love is endless. You receive even more Love each time you share Love. The Love you have expands and your spiritual consciousness expands, too.
Enjoy the pleasure, the peace and the power of celebrating your Love.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 46. Joy.
I celebrate my Joy.
Consider this: can you count all the joys that give you reason to celebrate? If your experience is at all like mine, you probably can’t. Can you, however, realize and recognize that your human, earthly, this-world joys are sourced entirely by Joy? Can you agree that Joy is Spirit? Do you feel that it’s easy to celebrate Joy?
I celebrate my Joy.
Can you name all the ways you various joys make you feel, let you feel? I’ll guess that your joys span a continuum from mild-mannered to Kapow! Blow the lid off! joys. Are they are responses to an infinite number of causes: sights, sounds, people, places, things? So, if you remember that Spirit created everything: the Joy from which joys flow, the sights sounds and all else that joys target, does it seem easy to celebrate Joy?
I celebrate my Joy.
Do you perform a lot of actions that give you joy? Do they allow you the joy of doing? the joy of accomplishing? the joy of producing? the joy of releasing? And on and on and on? Isn’t the freedom into which Spirit created us the gift box from which all those actions flow? Another reason to celebrate Joy?
Allow your mind to connect with your heart and celebrate Joy with you thoughts and your feelings. Enjoy this Affirmantra©.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 44. Energy.
I am Energy. All is well.
As I ran this afternoon, I repeated today’s affirmantra with every breath. And every breath, every time I said the affirmantra, I felt greater energy.
I am Energy. All is well.
The energy I felt was not just physical energy, not just energy that helped me run the pace I chose to run this afternoon. And it was more than the energy that let me finish the 30 minutes feeling refreshed, happy. The energy actually felt as if its essence flowed steadily throughout my Self.
I am Energy. All is well.
Wiping sweat from my face before I walked into the house, I reminded myself that the affirmantra is not only about Energy. It is about me as Energy. It is affirms that I am created by Spirit, created of Energy. The Energy is not just the force that motors my legs. It is not just the spark that ignites my mental abilities. And it is more than my eagerness to know Oneness. Truly, it is each of those and it is all of those.
And Energy is you also. Enjoy!
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Energy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Energy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 43. Peace.
I am Peace. All is well.
When you can directly feel connection between the peace you have and the Peace you know is Spirit, you surely have a sense of fulfillment and security.
I am Peace. All is well.
When you know peace in the things you do, the actions you perform, directly flows from the Peace that is your Source, you must know awareness of comfort and satisfaction.
I am Peace. All is well.
When you have peace in the certainty of who you are and you know that you are the Peace of GOD, you must have a powerful experience of completeness.
The human lives we live are defined by who we are, what we do, and what we have. Typically (hopefully!) those are in decreasing order of importance. Are is bigger than Do which is bigger than Have. What’s important is that all are ways in which we know peace: peace of being, peace of doing, peace of having.
What’s meaningful is that all three flow from the single Source of Peace. What else they have in common: thanks to their Source being Peace, all is well.
Love and blessings,