Affirmantra 63. Peace.
Peace pulls me Home.
Spirit is Home. As Spirit is Source and Creation, it is your origin. And that is Home. The calling Home may not be to the house in which you grew up. It is your calling to your very Source, your very Creation.
Peace pulls me Home.
Home is the very essence of Peace. Home is the perfect good. Home is the original and eternal Peace that knows no upset, no distress, no tension. Peace draws you to return your consciousness, your awareness Home.
Peace pulls me Home.
Peace is the magnet that tugs constantly in your yearning to be truly Home. The pull to go Home is actually to know full-force your unity with Spirit. Peace draws you Home.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 62. Love.
Love joins all Beings as One.
Sit comfortably. Perhaps place both of your feet on the floor, sit with your spine erect. As you inhale envision the river running smooth along a valley floor. The stead flow of the water seems to whisper “Love”.
Love joins all Beings as One.
You notice with the next inhale the several streams of clear water running down the mountains on ech side of the brook. The streams run without hesitation, as if they are eager to join with the river, unhesitating to become pat of the whole.
Love joins all Beings as One.
Past each stream’s point of entry, the river seems stronger, its ripples more joyous. At the same time, it is impossible to distinguish any stream’s water from any other’s. All become one with with river.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 61. Joy.
Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit.
Breathe in slowly. Release the breath completely. Repeat and allow yourself to imagine being joyfully drawn to Spirit. Allow your imagination to view the pull to Spirit in any way you wish.
Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Let your consciousness notice the continuous stream drawing you. It does not stop and start. There is no pull, no lull, no pull. Instead you know a constant draw from Spirit, to Spirit. The pull is Joy drawing you ever closer to Spirit.
Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit.
With each breath–each one deeper, slower–feel the steady movement, the flow of not only your body, not only your mind. Allow the flow to engage all of you without any resistance or friction.
Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 60. Strength.
All my Strengths awaken as One.
You are an infinity of Strengths, all present as your Being. You are more than the strength of your muscles. You are more than the strength in your mind. You are more than the strength of your faith. You are Strength, for you are Spirit expressed.
All my Strengths awaken as One.
The presence of your Strength is always true, always real. The expression and expansion of that Strength merely awaits your awakened knowledge of the Truth. Your conscious acceptance of the Strength from which you are created, with which you know Oneness is your choice.
All my Strengths awaken as One.
Allow this Affirmantra© to bring connection that you are Strength. Allow your breathing and your steady repetition of the statement to awaken more than strength as you know it. Allow your Self to know the complete Strength that is you, and that you are.
Love and blessings,