Affirmantra 74. Energy.

Energy Praying : Praying Energy

Energy Praying : Praying Energy

I pray with Energy. I am filled by Energy.

Energy generates praying. Praying produces Energy. Spiritual Energy motivates you to pray. Praying increases your spiritual Energy. The Energy touches all parts of your being: your body, your mind, your spirit.

I pray with Energy. I am filled by Energy.

Praying deserves a respectful moment before and after it is done. Only a few seconds to allow your several energies to come into focus and to give their focus to your praying. Another couple of seconds following the prayer to realize and reflect on the boost the very act of praying gives you.

I pray with Energy. I am filled by Energy.

You are Energy. That Energy is Spirit/GOD. The more you attend to and center your awareness on that Energy, the more ready, willing, and eager praying will be. In return, the more you allow yourself the energy of praying, the greater you will know Energy.

Love and blessings,



Posted on April 30, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Energy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 73. Peace.

Peace for Prayer

Peace for Prayer

Praying places me in perfect Peace.

Release your Self to the freedom of praying. Let go of any worry about praying “right”; be assured there are only right ways to pray, nothing else. Praying is consciously opening your Being to GOD’s and letting the Peace arise for you.

Praying places me in perfect Peace.

You can find Peace — the Truth you are, the Truth that fills and surrounds you — by any form of praying. You may pray with words: spoken and thought and written and sung. You may pray with images: imagined and drawn and copied and photographed. You may pray with movement: walking and running and dancing and swimming. You may pray with silence and noise.

Praying places me in perfect Peace.

The next time (perhaps every time!) you pray, in whatever way at whatever place, enjoy the moment after the “amen.” Allow Peace to flow over you and through you; allow yourself to be conscious of the Peace. Know that the Peace and your praying are cause and effect, in both directions.

Love and blessings,



Posted on April 29, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 72. Love.

ommon ground

Love: Prayer Power

Love gives me power to pray.

The Love that fills every cell of your body, every spark of your brain, every burst of your spirit powers your praying. Praying is the connection, fueled by Love, between your human being and Spirit. Praying is the constant vibration, strummed by Love, between your spiritual heart and Spirit.

Love gives me power to pray.

Every instance of praying expresses and exchanges Love. Prayers of thanksgiving express gratitude to Love and exchange the power of Love between you and Spirit. Prayers that affirm what co-creation of your desire are Spirit’s expression of Love and the will for your happiness.

Love gives me power to pray.

If ever you feel an “I can’t pray…” pull-down, for whatever reason, admit Love. Admit that it is real and true and that you are Love. Admit the presence and the pleasance of Love into your spiritual heart and feel its expansion. Feel its power. Love praying.

Love and blessings,



Posted on April 28, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 71. Joy.

Praying Joy!

Praying Joy!

Every day, I pray with Joy.

It matters not whether you pray to have more joy in your life or to give thanks for the joy you have. It makes no difference if you pray to recognize what joy means or to better realize how to accept and appreciate joy. What matters is that you allow your prayers to feel true Joy.

Every day, I pray with Joy.

Praying with your heart-mind aware of the Joy you are increases the joy praying gives you. Opening your consciousness to the endless flow of Joy from Spirit strengthens your awareness of that Joy. Appreciating that Joy is not an every-now-and-then occurrence but your state of being enlightens your every prayer.

Every day, I pray with Joy.

The greater your awareness and acceptance of “I AM Joy” as your truth, the more prevalent your thanksgiving for Joy. Prayed expressions of gratitude allow us to feel a greater presence of Joy. It is  a joyful cycle!

Love and blessings,



Posted on April 27, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,