Affirmantra 86. Joy.
Joy comes to me regardless of distress.
Distress is my creation. Joy comes from Spirit. Distress is my perception. Joy is truth.
Joy comes to me regardless of distress.
As I breathe in, I feel and know my Being is filled continually with Joy. I am able to recognize Joy as more than mere happiness. I know Joy as the eternal Good, as the peace and the enthusiasm of Spirit’s creation.
Joy comes to me regardless of distress.
I know Joy fully. By living and breathing according to Joy, I release the illusions of distress. I embrace Joy to my heart.
Love and blessings.
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 85. Strength.
Thank you, God, for Mother’s Strength.
A week since Mother’s Day I am still thankful for the Mother Strength God has blessed me with. The Strength to know the good in every person. The Strength to love unconditionally and eternally. The Strength to see beyond being human, living in this world and to know “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Thank you, God, for Mother’s Strength.
A week since Mother’s Day I am realizing the presence of Mother’s Strength in more and more ways. The Strength to pause and appreciate the beauty in the most minor instances: a barking dog, thunderstorms, a hurried supper, a tired child or mate. The Strength to know that thanking God is the greatest prayer.
Thank you, God, for Mother’s Strength.
A week since Mother’s Day I am grateful for the strength from my human parents. I am even more thankful for the MotherFather presence of God in me. I am thankful that Mother’s Day brings clear consciousness of the Mother Strength, so different and special and strong.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Prayer, Praying, Strength · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Prayer, praying, Strength
Affirmantra 84. Energy.
My Energy from Mother Spirit is endless.
Mothers have energy that only seems endless. It is immeasurable, certainly. Yet we have all known–and some of us have been–exhausted mothers. The Energy from the Spirit Mother is endless. It is eternal. It is ever-flowing to us, fulfilling our body/mind/spirit being, fueling our very living.
My Energy from Mother Spirit is endless.
The Mother Spirit Energy flows to us to let us know we are One with God. It flows to us to motivate our willingness to break our hearts open and let others in. It flows to us to spark our eagerness that we may better know our grace and blessings.
My Energy from Mother Spirit is endless.
Energy from the Spirit Mother comes to us as our Divinity. Our recognition of the Christ Spirit we have, the Christ Spirit we are opens our very Being to receive and use the Energy. Mother Energy gives us the reason and the joy to say: Namaste! The Christ I am adores the Christ you are, for we are One.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 83. Peace.
Peace is my Mother. I am loved.
The Peace of which you are created reflects the Mother that is Spirit. The Peace, the Mother, flows through your entire being: body, mind, spirit. The Peace becomes the blessedness that knows ease and joy, love and comfort in infinite ways. As you are Peace, you are the Child of MotherFather God.
Peace is my Mother. I am loved.
Peace is Mother’s being, Mother’s gift, and Mother’s essence. Peace exists within us from the Mother aspects of Spirit. As you continue appreciating, loving, thanking your human mother, bear in heartmind the beautiful Peace you are and its origin from Mother Spirit.
Peace is my Mother. I am loved.
We enjoy more than Mother Earth. We enjoy the universal Presence that is Spirit as Mother. As Mother, Spirit gives us Peace. The Peace knows no limits, no boundaries, no restraints. Mother Spirit’s Peace is individual, it is local, it is global, it is universal.
Love and blessings,