Affirmantra 98. Peace.

Peace Clouds

Unique Peace

Peace brings to me unique power.

The Peace that I AM is more than a calm, quiet, sense of being at ease. The Peace that I AM is more than knowing the absence of stress or trouble. The Peace that I AM is the power from Spirit to experience calm and to remove stress and trouble which are not real from my being.

Peace brings to me unique power.

Peace is more than emotion. It is more than physical condition and more than mental state. Peace is the essence of your being. Peace is the force from which we are created.

Peace brings to me unique power.

The Peace You ARE is your power to know unity with Spirit. The Peace You ARE is your power to know Oneness with all that is. The Peace You ARE is your power to know that Good is true and eternal.

Love and blessings,



Posted on June 3, 2015 at 8:42 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 97. Love.

Water and Peace

Unique Love Flows

Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.

You are an expression of God’s love. You are an expression of God’s perfect love. You are a perfect expression of God’s perfect love. Perfection flows and shows in infinite ways. Ways we see. Ways we hear. Ways we feel. Ways we think.

Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.

Breathing slowly, being still, and letting your mind rest from chasing thoughts is a sure-fired way to mindfulness. Mindfulness opens receptors to awareness of all the ways God’s love is expressed. Make time for mindfulness with eyes open and with eyes closed. Make time for mindfulness with silence and with peaceful sounds of your choice.

Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.

Allowing and recognizing the Love that flows within you is half the process. Sending the love out is the other half, in as many ways and as unique as you desire. Feel the love flow through you: you receive it and you release it. As you let it go, more Love will return to you.

Love and blessings,



Posted on June 2, 2015 at 10:27 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 96. Joy.

Unique Joy

Unique Joy

I AM Joy. Unique.

The Joy that flows to me flows through me. The Joy I receive is the Joy of which I am created. The Joy I share is the Joy I AM. The Joy is unique.

I AM Joy. Unique.

Joy is unique I know. I know the consistent change that Joy gives me. It is ever increasing as it is never still. It is never still as it continuously expresses its reality to my heart, to my complete being.

I AM Joy. Unique.

My Joy – the Joy I AM – allows me to be unique and to appreciate that I am unique. My uplifting sense of being sublime blends with my exciting rush of being complete.  My thrill from Joy’s rapture infuses my calm certainty that Joy is mine.

Love and blessings,



Posted on June 1, 2015 at 2:43 pm by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,

Affirmantra 95. Strength.

Call for Strength

Call for Strength

I readily call forth my Strength from Spirit.

Strength is always with you for you to recognize and exert. Your bins of Strength are never empty. When you call forth your Strength, you open your consciousness to what you are: Strength.

I readily call forth my Strength from Spirit.

Your Strength is Spirit. the blessing of Spirit as your creation gave you strength as It made you Strength. Your readiness to know your Strength is all you need.

I readily call forth my Strength from Spirit.

You can at any time call on your Strength of Spirit. No task or challenge is as great as your Strength.

Love and blessings,



Posted on May 29, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Prayer, Praying, Strength · Tagged with: , , , ,