Morning Prayer 10/100. Power to change
We all have the power to change. You have the power. I have it, too. We can make things different any time we want to. If we want to.
Lots is written and said about resistance to change. People find their comfort zone,relish in it and don’t want the upsets of changing it.
The flip side is true. The status quo can tire us out. It’s not unusual to hear “It’s time for change” or “Something’s got to change”.Spiritual change fits both conditions.
We can welcome change. We can also dig our heels in against it. Perhaps because our spirituality is our very own. It is ours to change, and it is ours to protect.
Perhaps you want a deeper or a broader awareness of God. Perhaps you want to increase your awareness of what God is and means. And quite possibly that desire pushes against what you have “known” (or at least been told and taught) all your life. Your comfort with the labels and the prayers and the interpretations of the scriptures are pretty deeply embedded. Hard to change.
No one says you have to change. But you.
No one says you have to fight against changing. Only you.
And that’s the beauty of the gifts Spirit gives. The freedom to be the spiritual being you desire. The power to do what you choose to do as that spiritual being. The opportunity to have (to create) all you desire in and of your spirituality.
Yours is the power to change. Ours is the power to change.
Living, Loving Spirit
thank you for our power to be and do and have that we desire.
Thank you for our power to know and to grow
the truth of our spiritual being and its perfection, its eternity.
Thank you for giving us the power to change
by increasing our awareness of One.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Change, Commitment, Energy, Humility, Peace, Power, Prayer
Morning Prayer 9/100. Life passages.
Life is passage. We are constantly moving from one place to another, from one situation to another, from one joy to another. The passage may seem from one obstacle to another.
Doors and gates and even windows may be seen as obstacles when they are closed and prevent our passing from where we are to where we want to be. They may also be open and offer — even invite — our coming through.
We learn to look for open doors. We seek the opportunity to step across the threshold into something new and inviting: new learning, job change, lifestyle shift. And when the door’s not open, may have to open it on our own.
We accept gates as more visual passages.We can usually see beyond the gate, thereby knowing what awaits and being all the more eager to achieve. And a gate can be more passable. If we cannot swing it open, we may — and sometimes d0 — climb right on over.
Windows usually let us look through, somewhat like a wish or dream. We want what is beyond the window. The window may test our agility. With no door beside the window, we may decide to open the window wide enough to let us climb through. Agility and motivation, yes.
Welcoming Spirit,
the passages you offer us throughout life
are many and exciting.
Whether they invite us or scare us, we know you are with us
as we open doors, clamber over gates, crawl through windows.
You motivate us to move from the good we know
to the better we co-create with you.
Thank you, God, for showing us that all obstacles
are not obstacles truly. All are passable.
All are opportunities through which we move
with your blessings.
And so it is. Amen.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Commitment, Energy, God, Happiness, Joy, Life, Oneness, Peace · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, spiritual simplicity, Strength
Morning Prayer 8/100. Listening is loving
Listening is loving.
My mom clearly distinguished listening from hearing. She reminded me (frequently) all it took to hear was my ears. What it takes to listen is my mind. How often I heard, “I know you hear me, but are you listening to me?”
Listening is a conscious action. Listening to another person shows that you love (respect, honor, appreciate) them. The more fully and actively you listen, the clearer they hear your love — spoken or not. I’ve found that the better I listen the better what I’m hearing sounds. I’ve found that when my listening shows and speaks my love for the other person, the more love I hear in what they say.
And, for certain, loving is listening.
Loving is a consciousness, too. The joy of listening to Spirit’s unconditional love can readily increase your consciousness of that love. When it moves into your consciousness, it becomes part of what you say and do, what you see and hear. We receive from Spirit the most profound, absolute, limitless Love. That is the Love from which we are created. To me, consciousness of that unconditional love is the true gift. It brings with it awareness, appreciation, humility, and a wholesale eagerness to return love in kind.
How do you listen for God’s Love?
What do you listen to?
What do you listen for?
What do you listen with?
Listening Spirit,
the messages you share with us in so many ways,
that we may listen to with all our senses
and our consciousness
speak so clearly of your Love.
Our hearts receive as well as our ears,
our eyes, our touch, and more.
Our listening to the Love you give,
to the Love with which you make us always new,
says to you our love in return.
We love you, Spirit. We thank you that you listen.
Our listening shows our love.
And so it is. Amen.
Love and blessings,
In: God, Happiness, Joy, Life, Love, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Oneness
Morning Prayer 7/100. A warning
A warning given — and received — during my early morning run.
The day was dawning bright and warm. Many walkers were out and everyone was friendly. With all of them I shared a wave or a smile or a “Good morning!”
Approaching a single walker from behind, I issued my customary warning. I lightly, quickly scraped my running shoe sole on the sidewalk. The sound is a short combo of shriek and scratch. Not as bad as fingernails on a chalkboard, but an attention-getter. And I do it only so I don’t really shock someone by running up beside them. (Many are plugged in and listening to someone, something, somewhere else.)
She jumped a few inches off the ground. She almost lost her balance as she landed and turned to face me at the same time. She was frightened first and angry second. “You shouldn’t do that!” she warned me.
And she was right. My warning for her missed its mark, hit the wrong button and even did what was my intention to avoid: it shocked her. I smiled and slowed and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
As I ran on, I realized surprises are relative. My alarm surprised her. Her reaction surprised me. Sure, some surprises are not as bad as others, but it pays to consider how one feels about surprise.
And sometimes we surprise ourselves. I’ll replace my shoe-scrape alarm with a softly spoken, “I’m about to pass you.” I’ll say it loudly enough for the elsewhere listeners.
Living, loving good friend God,
We need no warning of your Love.
We need no warning of your Peace.
We need no warning of our Joy.
We are blessed with all of these and more.
All we must do is remind ourselves of your Presence:
love, peace, and joy.
No shoe-scraping, not even any “Here I come” announcements.
Unless we wish to urge ourselves, keep in mind and heart
our Oneness with you, with those who share our paths.
Thank you, God, for all we have from you
and all we love that we are from you.
And so it is. Amen.
Love and blessings,
In: Commitment, Energy, Forgiveness, God, Happiness, Humility, Intention, Life, Peace, Spirituality, Strength · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, God, Oneness, Peace, spiritual simplicity