Expressing Peace. Giving Help. 92.
As hard as it may sometimes be to ask for help, giving help is a snap.
There’s a sweet children’s book — Mr. Tweed’s Good Deeds — which teaches counting but even more teaches the joy and the gifting of helping others. As Mr. Tweed walks through the village, he encounters friends and acquaintances who’ve lost something: one kite, two kittens, three mice….
Young readers are invited to help Mr. Tweed find the missing things and learn their numbers at the same time. And as the walk through town ends, all the missing items are located and Mr. Tweed is praised and celebrated by his friends.
I’m betting Mr. Tweed felt an abundance of personal peace after that day. How do you feel after doing a favor for someone?
Some of the people ask Mr. Tweed to help; others he offers to help without their asking. Is the peace you experience any different, whether you’ve responded to a request or proactively offered help?
Mr. Tweed wasn’t trying to meet a quota for giving help. If the book weren’t as much about learning to count as the feel good of helping, Mr. Tweed might not even know how many times he did good for another. The quality of what you do for someone else is surely more important than how many times you do that good. However, might counting off the help you gave today allow you to reflect more fully on the peace you can enjoy?
Noticing, enjoying, and being thankful for the peace you feel are sure links to the Peace from which it comes. “Do yourself a favor” takes on richer meaning.
Sweet Spirit, Giver of Favors,
what a gift it is to give help.
Thank you.
Whether asked for help or offering
off the cuff,
giving a hand allows us hearts full of peace.
The calm and reward that bless us
when we extend our aid, no matter whether
large or small, demanding or a snap,
stay with us long enough
that we realize the peace
and that you are its Source,
that we are eager to repeat the gift
and keep on helping.
We thank you, GOD, that our eyes are sharp,
our ears alert that chances to help another
do not pass unnoticed.
Or untaken.
And so it is. And so we thank you, GOD.
Amen. Amen.
In: Commitment, Happiness, Inner Peace, Joy, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: creativity, Joy, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity