Expressing Peace. Friends. 48.



Friends cause peace in perhaps an infinity of ways.

Seeing friends from long ago or far away brings the peace of “It is still so.”

Speaking with a friend for the 3rd or 4th time today affirms there isn’t too much of something so good.

Thinking of friends I had for different reasons and in different situations decorates my memory.

Catching up on a friend’s condition and sharing mine is like the peace of a river’s flow.

Meeting a friend for lunch whether to talk heavy or chat over soup hums louder “Someone like you….”

Sharing a special view or sound or idea tightens the bond.

These are how peace feels and what peace means. These are the blessings we receive as We Are Peace.

The peace of having a friend, of being a friend, of knowing a friend can expand to knowing every one as Friend. Knowing Peace creates the cause and the effect of knowing everyone as Friend.

Good Friend, GOD,
thank you again and again and again
for the friends that fill my life on earth.
Thank you that I know your Spirit as the Friend
with whom I am One.
Thank you for the multi-blessings having a friend
and being a friend
gives to me, to us.
As we share love, we know your Love.
As we build trust, we know our ultimate Trust in you.
As we find joy, we praise the Joy you spark us with.
As we feel peace, we thrive to the Peace you let us be.
Good Friend, GOD, bless you for blessing us
with friends and all that friendship gives.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on September 30, 2014 at 2:35 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Christ Spirit, Happiness, Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Prosperity · Tagged with: , , , , , , ,