Expressing Peace: Bats. 4.

Peace expressed by bats

Peace from Bats

We stood on the Congress Street bridge and watched bats take flight at sunset last evening. Hundreds of thousands of bats. Peace?

Individual bats appearing just below our feet, flapping from beneath the bridge. What appears chaos gradually becomes visually inspiring: a gentle ribbon of life, trailing across the eastern sky, fading into the distance.

Such is the nature of our personal peace. Stirred moments of time and responsibility, of chores and obligations, of concerns and rushes to and from. These moments, allowed to fold and curl into the ever-flow of life, into the sweet ribbon that is Divine Order, that swirls across the universal sky. Not just at sunset.

The peace we know from accomplishing, just as the bats feed themselves, playing out their role in life’s integral nature. The peace of harmony as each player is part of the wholeness, each a thread in the ribbon.

Shower of Peace,
your gift allows us to see, to hear, to feel and know
there is no chaos.
There is your Divine Order.
We create our chaos: wing-flapping tensions,
scurries for what is stable, dashes and darts for this and that.
Let us deny that chaos. It is our making and it is unreal.
The Peace we are from you
flows through our hearts,
returns our minds to knowing life is
an endless ribbon without concern,
a fabric smoothly woven of the All of us.
Tight-knit we thank you, GOD, that we are Peace.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.


Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on August 17, 2014 at 8:10 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Beauty, Commitment, God, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: , , ,