Expressing Peace. Evening. 40.

Evening Peace

Evening Peace – Ravi Patel

The sun sets with sigh-like peacefulness. Evening peace delights. End of day complement to the morning sun’s energetic burst.

Evening marks our gentle transition from the busy-ness of day to the easy-ness of night. Evening suggests the peace at the end of a task when we put away our tools, our work, our need to do. Evening suggests the end of a journey from morning through afternoon to evening, a journey marked by stops and starts, its destination this peaceful hour.

As evening is the close of day, so is it the doorway to nighttime. That means rest and relaxation. That means stillness rather than motion. That means reflection without analysis.

Evening surrounds us with peace. Evening allows us to reflect on our day and give thanks for our achievements. Evening encourages us to settle and release, encourages forgiveness of ourselves and how we may have perceived others.

Sweet Spirit,
with the work of the day behind us,
the sleep of the night ahead,
we shelter ourselves in your blessing of evening.
Now we can enjoy looking back to the talk, the go,
the bustle and the hustle, the darting and dodging
that was the day.
Now we can enjoy looking forward to the quiet, the stillness,
the calm and comfort, the resting and refreshing
that comes with nighttime.
This wonderful hour between sunset and nightfall
gives us a measure of peace,
a chance to recognize the Peace that is
of all things, all beings, all time.
The Peace that gives us day and night
and evening in between.
And so it is. And so we’re grateful.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.



Posted on September 22, 2014 at 6:47 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Beauty, Forgiveness, Home, Inner Peace, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , , ,