Expressing Peace. Color. 24.

Color Peace

Color Peace

Color is peace. Color Peace.

Watching the sky brighten this morning — black to navy to lighter, brighter blues — I realized the peace I find in colors. And in color as its own phenomenon.

The crystal blue of a babbling brook. The absolute white of snow on mountaintops. The rich red of my favorite leather chairs. The splendid purple of a spring iris. The banana yellow shirt I had and loved for more than 7 years. The speckled green and white covers of composition books I used for journals. Shifting from black ink sketches to colored pencils.

Just opening my mind, my eye, my heart to the question: What colors mean peace for me, all those came as answers at once. And more keeps spilling into my mind.

Color paints the eye. The eye receives the beauty. The beauty excites and by exciting reassures me in many ways: that the world remains, that I can see, that seeing admits beauty, that beauty is ever-present and ever-renewing. The color, the beauty, the assurance bring me Peace.

Bringer of Color
As you gave us light, you gave us color.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Color’s infinity delights;
color’s subtlety intrigues;
color’s messages inspire.
To draw composure from the brilliant sunrise
reminds us of the endless gifts you give.
To see the brilliance of a cardinal’s feathers
shows us the depth of love and grace.
To watch the dance of rainbow’s complement
across an afternoon sky
deepens the faith that All is Good.
We thank you, Master Artist,
for the palette of our lives.
And so it is. And so we let it be.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.

Posted on September 6, 2014 at 7:58 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Prayer