Archive for the ‘Joy’ Category
Affirmantra 81. Joy.
Joy is the Mother Spirit that fills me. Mother’s Day need not end after supper on Sunday. And Mother’s Day need not celebrate only our physical mothers, blessed though they are! The Joy that fills your being is the presence of Mother Spirit, the Mother essence of God. Joy is the Mother Spirit that fills […]
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 71. Joy.
Every day, I pray with Joy. It matters not whether you pray to have more joy in your life or to give thanks for the joy you have. It makes no difference if you pray to recognize what joy means or to better realize how to accept and appreciate joy. What matters is that you […]
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 66. Joy.
I AM free to live the Joy. GOD does not give you Joy to save or store away. GOD gives you Joy in unending supply. You are totally free to know that joy, to feel it, to express it, and to share it. I AM free to live the Joy. With each statement of this […]
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, praying
Affirmantra 61. Joy.
Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit. Breathe in slowly. Release the breath completely. Repeat and allow yourself to imagine being joyfully drawn to Spirit. Allow your imagination to view the pull to Spirit in any way you wish. Like a magnet Joy draws me to Spirit. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let your consciousness […]