Archive for the ‘God’ Category
The Lord’s Prayer: It Means So Much More
The Lord’s Prayer is the one thing all Christian churches have in common. It is estimated that more people say The Lord’s Prayer more often than any other Christian prayer. Emmett Fox in his book Sermon on the Mount, says The Lord’s Prayer is A compact formula for the development of the soul. It is […]
In: Christ Spirit, Forgiveness, God, Happiness, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Christ, Divine Spirit, Forgiveness, Oneness, Prayer, praying, Truth
Autumn Equinox: A time to turn, turn, turn.
You can listen to this lesson and the meditation that preceded by clicking here. This past Saturday, at 9:49 a.m. CDT, autumn began. The beautiful change from summer to fall seemed the perfect opportunity to follow Pete Seeger’s suggestion that we turn, turn, turn as we consider the bounty of choices we have living our […]
In: God, Happiness, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peacefulness, Spirituality, Time · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Oneness, power of good, Principles, Unity
About Faith: Does your faith protect you? Do you protect your faith?
Protection relates to faith in 2 ways: we are protected by our faith; at times our faith needs our protection. Our faith is what we rely on to feel, to enjoy that we are protected. At the same time, our focus/worry about what goes on in our day-to-day “reality” can cause dips in our faith, can […]
In: God, Oneness, Prayer, Spirituality, Unity Principles · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Faith, God, Oneness, Principles, Unity
Protection from (spiritual) distraction
Hard to believe but there is an official US Government website for distracted driving: Or maybe it’s not so hard to believe because of the cost of distraction. In 2010, 3092 people were killed and 416,000 injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to […]
In: Christ Spirit, God, Happiness, Joy, Peacefulness, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Christ, Faith, Joy, Love, Prayer, Principles