Affirmantra 97. Love.
Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.
You are an expression of God’s love. You are an expression of God’s perfect love. You are a perfect expression of God’s perfect love. Perfection flows and shows in infinite ways. Ways we see. Ways we hear. Ways we feel. Ways we think.
Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.
Breathing slowly, being still, and letting your mind rest from chasing thoughts is a sure-fired way to mindfulness. Mindfulness opens receptors to awareness of all the ways God’s love is expressed. Make time for mindfulness with eyes open and with eyes closed. Make time for mindfulness with silence and with peaceful sounds of your choice.
Love flows to me and is known to me in unique ways.
Allowing and recognizing the Love that flows within you is half the process. Sending the love out is the other half, in as many ways and as unique as you desire. Feel the love flow through you: you receive it and you release it. As you let it go, more Love will return to you.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra, Prayer, praying