AFFIRMantra 8. Peace.
I breathe in Peace. I breathe out Peace.
Peace is the presence of GOD in you, in me, in everyone. It is the complete goodness. It is essence we engage in all our being.
I breathe in Peace. I breathe out Peace.
Your consciousness can know the presence of Peace in the air you breathe. You are not merely imagining an inhale of Peace. Your entire being circulates the Peace that is present in everything.
I breathe in Peace. I breathe out Peace.
As you exhale your consciousness can know that you express Peace by your very being. Not merely the carbon dioxide you breathe out, but the Spirit (Peace) you are circulates throughout the universe. As your breath, you are the Peace that Is.
I encourage you to say this AFFIRMantra softly, slowly. With concentration, you can whisper the first part as inhale, the second as you exhale. Know the Peace.
Love and blessings,
AFFIRMantra: a positive declaration you believe, you speak aloud, and which vibrates to the core of your faith.
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying