Affirmantra 50. Strength.


Celebrate My Strength

I celebrate my Strength.

You are strong of muscle. You are strong of mind. You are strong of meaning. These strengths are different and one at the same time. You use and enjoy them to accomplish different things, in different ways.

I celebrate my Strength.

The strength you are deserves celebration. You have the power to move and use your body: from the simplest acts like blinking your eyes to complex acts like planting  garden, cooking a meal, running a road race. The very fact that you can do, you can think, you can know and appreciate your faith is worthy of celebration.

I celebrate my Strength.

Celebration of your strength can be as loud and boisterous as you desire: sing, dance, stomp round the block, raise your hands and shout “Hallelujah!”. Celebration of your strength can be as quiet and contained as you wish: pray, affirm, breath mindfully, watch a warming sunrise.

Love and blessings as you celebrate your strength.



Posted on March 29, 2015 at 6:47 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Prayer, Praying, Strength · Tagged with: , , , ,