Affirmantra 32. Love.


Love Colors

Love colors all the beauty I see.

As Love opens your heart, it gifts your eyes with colors. These colors brighten and intensify and beautify what you look at. This colorizing of the people, places and things you see is of your choosing. Love provides the colors; you do the painting.

Love colors all the beauty I see.

Spiritual love is unconditional. It sets no requirements that anyone or anything must meet in order to be loved. Spiritual love is unlimited. It does not love “only those who…” or “only that which…”. Spiritual love provides you with the beautiful colors of Unconditional and Unlimited.

Love colors all the beauty I see.

When you look upon a person or a scene or a situation and your vision is colored by love, all limits and conditions disappear. The colors of love have you see only the beauty of what is, because it is.

You may wish to say this affirmantra with your eyes open, allowing your vision to move from object to object and to see its beauty, colored with Love.

Love and blessings,



Posted on March 3, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,