Affirmantra 20. Strength.
Strength comes to me in many forms.
Strength is your power to do. Strength is your power to resist. Strength is your power to support a person or a principle. Strength is your power to overcome a temptation or a weakness.
Strength comes to me in many forms.
You have physical strength. You possess mental strength. You enjoy moral strength. You continuously develop spiritual strength.
Strength comes to me in many forms.
No matter the form of your strength or the reason for your strength or the application of your strength, your strength comes from Source, from Spirit. The strength to run and jump and lift is given by our power to create our physical being. The strength to think and learn and understand is sourced by our power to create our individuality, our personhood. The strength to discover and develop ever clearer spirituality is our freedom to recognize and realize our connection with Spirit.
Strength comes to me in many forms.
Allow this affirmantra to release your mind to appreciate the limitless array of strengths you possess.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Prayer, Praying, Strength · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying, Strength