Affirmantra 71. Joy.

Praying Joy!

Praying Joy!

Every day, I pray with Joy.

It matters not whether you pray to have more joy in your life or to give thanks for the joy you have. It makes no difference if you pray to recognize what joy means or to better realize how to accept and appreciate joy. What matters is that you allow your prayers to feel true Joy.

Every day, I pray with Joy.

Praying with your heart-mind aware of the Joy you are increases the joy praying gives you. Opening your consciousness to the endless flow of Joy from Spirit strengthens your awareness of that Joy. Appreciating that Joy is not an every-now-and-then occurrence but your state of being enlightens your every prayer.

Every day, I pray with Joy.

The greater your awareness and acceptance of “I AM Joy” as your truth, the more prevalent your thanksgiving for Joy. Prayed expressions of gratitude allow us to feel a greater presence of Joy. It is  a joyful cycle!

Love and blessings,



Posted on April 27, 2015 at 5:00 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,