Affirmantra 48. Peace.
I celebrate my Peace.
For myself, I enjoy peace in my physical surroundings. I know peace of mind and savor in my calm. I relish the spiritual peace I gain from my faith and my connection with Spirit.
I celebrate my Peace.
With others, I thrive in living harmoniously. The peace that I emit and that I receive rouses energy and enthusiasm. Peace comes alive in the connection among all beings. Peace flows seamlessly throughout our Universe.
I celebrate my Peace.
For the world, I am joyfully thankful for the reality of Peace. I am faithfully thankful for the power Peace has throughout the world. I celebrate the increase of peace, generated by Peace, in every corner of the world. I believe that every celebrating affirmation co-creates peace for the world.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, praying