Expressing Peace. 2 Lists. 55.

2 lists: peace

2 Lists

The 2 lists below are meant to answer partially a question asked yesterday: “Why is Peace capitalized and peace is not?”

The pre-list answer: the capitalized Peace means Spirit, GOD, Presence, Good. The uncapitalized peace is what we feel and experience in our daily lives.
And neither of those definitions is terribly clear. So, 2 lists.

Peace is

peace is

Those empty spaces in the 2 lists are for your additions. Peace and peace are known by each one individually. They feel different for each of us. We each see our own images of peace. Sounds that speak Peace and peace to me may not be the same as yours. Please make the moments to identify what is for you Peace. And peace.

Sweet Peace,
the dual blessings of Peace and peace
are not too much to handle.
You give us the strength to know them both
and to know how well they coordinate
with one another.
The Peace you are is the Peace we are.
As your children we are express creations
of you, of your Peace.
The peace we find is the peace we live.
As individual expressions, free to be,
the peace we make is ours.
Our beautiful opportunity
is to know that Peace is cause
allowing us to enjoy peace
and give thanks for both.
And so it is. Amen. Amen.

Enjoy peace. Express peace.
Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on October 7, 2014 at 7:39 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: , ,