Winter Prayer

Blizzard Buries CarsCold. Freezing cold. Colder than freezing cold.

Loving Spirit, we acknowledge your graceful delivery of warmth that fills our hearts, surrounded by the outer cold. We accept the warmth that blesses our homes. It is your love.

Precipitation cycles water from sky to earth. Winter signs are snow and sleet and freezing rain. Careful steps and turns and crossings.

Loving Spirit, we are grateful that you surround us with safety as we are on the road or path. We exercise our own care, mindful of others and their safe passage. We are heart-full of your protection.

Our world, our weather, and our welfare share complex beauty. We enjoy the richness of rainfall, the grace of snowflakes, the energy of winds.

Loving Spirit, we thank you for the wonders weather brings. We appreciate its part in the Divine Order of your universe.

And so it is. Amen.

Stay warm!


Posted on January 23, 2014 at 6:30 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Beauty, God, Prayer, Spirituality, Wellness · Tagged with: , , ,