Spiritual Spring Cleaning

spring cleaningSpring cleaning our homes offers refreshment, energy, openness and freedom. Spiritual Spring Cleaning does the same for our relationship with Spirit.

Planning for a Sunday Lesson for Unity Center, I discovered Ruth Soukup’s The Big Spring Clean. She posted good advice on her Living Well Spending Less blog. She even offered a checklist that I altered to guide my own (possibly your) Spiritual Spring Cleaning.

Click the name if you’d like the actual Personal and Spiritual Big Spring Clean checklist.

Here’s a quick run-through, but don’t be in a hurry when you do your Spiritual Spring Clean.

Pre-clean: Get ready for your spiritual spring cleaning by setting aside a specific space and time. If you already have a set time and space, give some thought to slight changes to alert your attention.

Spirit: Like oiling the wood and conditioning the leather furniture, give some tender and lasting care to your spiritual consciousness. Contemplate how you already know the Presence of Spirit. Consider new ways you might know that more and better.

Heart: In real spring cleaning you defrost your freezer and discard foods past expiration date. Do the same with your heart. Dispose of complaints. Discard your doubts. Stock up on Denial Wipes and always begin affirmative prayers with Denial Wipe: ridding your heart of whatever is unreal and stands between you and your affirmed truth.

Mind: Shake your rugs. Wash your curtains. Wipe down your refrigerator top. Now let your human mind be fully open to receive and tune in to God-mind. Shake out your “reality” thoughts, the thoughts that you create as stress, tension, fear, worry. Scrub away your “limiting” thoughts that you may know the truth that there are no limits.

Body: Don’t forget the baseboards and the dust bunnies behind the washer/dryer. Your body lets you interact with the physical world. It lets you create and express the personal identity Spirit wants you to create. Clean the fine relationship between Spirit and Body. Take a walk, focusing on each step with gratitude. Prepare  a conscious meal in which every action expresses your thanks. Breathe deeply, mindfully: inhale life to fill your being, exhale love to share with All.

I joy in attending the rooms of my Oneness.
My attention to your Presence
keeps bright and clear my spiritual awareness.
I free my heart from clutter I allow within.
I remove and release my doubts and my complaints.
My mind I shake and discard thoughts not from you
that I create as burdens to foster and fear.
I recognize my body is the tool to express my true identity;
I see and cleanse my physical being with consciousness
and gratitude of your Presence in every action I perform.
And so it is. Amen.



Posted on April 9, 2014 at 6:11 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Beauty, Commitment, God, Happiness, Humility, Joy, Oneness, Peacefulness, Spirituality · Tagged with: , , ,