AFFIRMantra 3. Peace.
AFFIRMantra: a positive declaration you believe, you speak aloud, and which vibrates to the core of your faith.
I AM Peace: Spirit, Mind, Body. I AM Peace.
Spirit is infinite Good. Spirit is eternal Good. Peace is one identification of Good. Spirit is Peace.
And you are Spirit’s expression of Good. Therefore, you are Spirit’s expression of Peace. You are Peace. Every cell in your body is Peace. Every True thought that comes to your mind from Spirit is Peace. Your total True Being is Spirit and it is Peace.
Allow your mind to know what your heart understands. Peace is not an emotion or a condition you experience. You experience moments and situations and events and emotions that bring Peace to your consciousness. That is only a human reflection of the perfect Peace you are.
I AM Peace: Spirit, Mind, Body. I AM Peace.
I hope you find comfort using this AFFIRMantra to know you are Peace. Let your voice fully say this AFFIRMantra. Let your ears hear it fully. Let your heart know it as your truth.
Love and blessings,
In: Affirmation, Mantra, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Mantra, Peace