Spiritual success: the leading edge of consciousness

Concerning Spiritual Success, we mean the continuous increase in our knowing, our awareness, our consciousness of Spirit and of our own spirituality. We enjoy the positive possibility of seeing ourselves at the leading edge of consciousness. That is the forefront, the head start, the opportunity to be always moving into newer, greater discovery of Spirit and is meaning to us. Leading edge is not like the precipice of a cliff from which we step back, afraid of falling over. Leading edge is the point from which we can soar, sail to knew levels of spiritual success.

You can listen to this lesson by clicking here.

Our first step to Spiritual Success is to allow ourselves to know God. The physical world surrounds us with every possible experience of the face of God, the power of God, the beauty of God. By reminding ourselves with every glance, every sound, every touch, every fragrance, and every taste that this is of God, we build a human consciousness of Spirit. Make it a practice to “see the face of God” around you, everywhere, all the time.

Unity Principle 1: God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everyewhere.

The next step to Spiritual Success is to know Self. By making time and energy with which we truly look within and see/know our powers, the powers we receive from spirit. These are not just our physical skills and abilities; these are the gifts and blessings from God. These allow us the consciousness beyond our physical, human minds. These allow the awareness that we are of Spirit. We have the power to look within and to see within the light we are.

Unity Principle 2: We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.

We know Jesus as the Child of God; we, too, are the Child of God. We know Jesus reveals the Kingdom of Heaven; we, too, reveal the Kingdom of Heaven. We know Jesus expresses Divinity; we, too, express Divinity.

To listen to this entire lesson, click here.

The third step to Spiritual Success is to know Oneness. Oneness is faith. Faith of God rather than the faith in God. Faith comes to us from God. That faith is also God’s faith in us. The faith of God allows no separation. We have the wonderful chance to “go to B.A.T. for our faith”: Believe. Accept. Trust. We open our hearts to the truth that we are God’s creation. We receive and enjoy that truth. We commit our human minds to knowing and living that truth.

Unity Principle 3: We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.

The Leading Edge of Consciousness is where we always are, for we are always experience and expanding our Spiritual Success.

Love and blessings,

Posted on July 6, 2012 at 6:17 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Prayer