Morning Prayer 18/100. Be quiet

Be quiet

Be quiet

I remind myself to be quiet.

More and more sounds surround me as my hearing hears less and less. Ironic that I often “need” to reply. Since I am human, my most common reply mode is speaking. Likely true that I often talk a lot without saying much.

“Be quiet” is the best advice I can give myself. When I slow down my voice, I allow my mind to slow down. When my mind slows down, my awareness shows up.

Being aware of what I am saying doesn’t count. I don’t seek awareness that arises when I am quiet. Or ask for it or analyze how to get it or list reasons I should receive it. I just accept it. Quietly.

My silence knows many forms. Sitting in our sun room. Walking Alex early mornings. Runnin and letting surrounding noise — even my footfall — go unheard. Meditating for 108 breaths before anyone else awakens.

I realize (and cherish) both inner and outer silence. The inner silence is when neither my mouth nor my mind are chattering. The outer silence is when I let go of hearing/listening to the noise around me. BTW, the sounds of nature — birds and wind and rainfail and thunder — are anything but noise.

How do you let go of noise?

Sweet Voice I hear with my heart,
I hear you best when I am silent.
I hear you in the silence and I hear you from the silence.
When my mouth and my mind are quiet
your voice comes through more clearly.
I thank you, God, for letting me find ways
and times and places when you and I bless me
with quiet.
I thank you for letting me hear your voice
in sounds that bring peace and comfort,
calm and ease.
I thank you, God, I can be quiet.
And so it is.

Love and blessings,



Posted on August 3, 2015 at 6:40 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Prayer